
American Men with Hazel Eyes Interested in Friendship

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32 Port Saint Lucie, Florida, United States
Seeking: Female 20 - 28
Eye color: Hazel
Активи: у мене конкурентоспроможна федеральна робота, я заробляю багато грошей, і я заробляю більш ніж достатньо грошей, щоб утримувати себе та свою майбутню сім’ю, мене поважають мої колеги та керівництво на роботі, тому що я лояльний, працьовитий, амбітний, і я служив у ВПС США, я чарівний 😉 Я християнин, я орієнтований на сім'ю і традиційний. Я ставлюсь до кожного, кого зустрічаю, з повагою та гідністю. Я тут, тому що я розумію, що більшість європейських жінок є традиційними, і я шукаю серйозних стосунків із хорошою жінкою, яка є традиційною та орієнтованою на сім’ю. Моя мрія та мета — розпочати власний бізнес, який навчить чоловіків і жінок стати по-справжньому вільними без зручностей сучасних технологій, наприклад, навчитися добувати їжу, розпалювати вогонь і готувати їжу, навчитися ловити рибу, вирощувати їжу та вирощувати рослини, навчитися будувати притулок, навчитися лікувати рани та як піклуватися про себе та інших людей і свою родину, навчитися міняти шини тощо.
44 Springfield, Illinois, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 40
Eye color: Hazel
Hi there! I'm was raised on a farm in the Midwest, where I was taught the value of hard work, responsibility, and ingrained with a moral compass that seems all but lost in a lot of the world today. I'm very fortunate to have been raised the way I was in an environment that allowed me to learn a huge plethora of life lessons that have helped to aid in my success throughout my career. I'm one of those guys that can literally fix anything. I can remodel a house, fix anything on a car, do electrical work, be a plumber, a welder, etc.. One of my hobbies is building "go-fast-cars" and racing. I'm an avid gym goer, and do not partake in the "American diet." I love food and am quite a good cook in my own eyes lol, but I avoid processed food 99% of the time. I'm also one of those people that always loves to learn about anything and everything. I'm ever curious and always yearning for more knowledge. If I'm not watching an interesting show or good movie, I'll be entwined in a book (or 5 lol), or learning how to do my next project around the house. I've been fortunate to have worked for the US DOD, getting to travel around the world and most of the United States. I absolutely love traveling to explore new places, people, events, countries, cities, towns, venues...., you name it! I could see myself living anywhere in the world tbh. I have a great appreciation for those that are worldly / cultured to the world around them. I'm a "man" in every sense of the word, and am not afraid to get dirty, go the extra effort, or work hard for the things I want in life. But I'm also about as laid back as it gets. I always try to be nice to everyone I meet and live by the words "treat others as you yourself wish to be treated." I'm also about as sarcastic as it gets lol. So be prepared for me to give you plenty of crap (in a good way) once I get to know you. I'm a very affectionate person and love nothing more than to be all snuggled up to the person I love every single day. If you want to know more, by all means, just ask me. I really am an open book!
65 Everett, Washington, United States
Seeking: Female 35 - 53
Eye color: Hazel
What I’m looking for is my best friend someone who I can build a live with, this person should not only want to be with me but enjoy being with me. This person must be an optimistic person. What do I want from a woman/wife/lover/partner? I would like her to be upbeat (positive, cheerful, optimistic, happy) she should always look at the upside of life, what I mean is that she should try to look at the silver lining in everything. Life is too short to spend time being depressed. I understand we all get down and we have bad days or even bad weeks, but you need to try and do your best to fix the problem or get pass it. I want to be totally in love, I want to wake-up in the morning and enjoy watching you sleep. I want to love the way she smells. I want to hate to have to go to work because I will be away from her. I want to take those walks in the warm rain or along the beach or watching that beautiful sunset. I want to take her camping and make love to her by the camp fire with just the stars watching. I would like to go for a walk right after a light snow fall, or watch your eyes during a fireworks display. I long to see the look in your eyes when I bring you home flowers for no reason just to see that look. I would like to think we could make amazing a connection or something I like to call it chemistry. One of the most important things for me is that we are good friends and if we are we could build a solid foundation to live life. I’m your normal middle class guy. I will make a great loyal, loving, romantic and dedicated husband to the right woman. I need a woman who enjoys being with a man. She should need that type of contact. She should not always wait for the man to start things. She should be an open person. I would like her to let me know what she is thinking and why. She should be able to speak her mind; I would like us to have a two way relationship. She should have her own likes and dislikes but she should want to be with her man. I want my wife to have her own dreams in life and not just what her man wants. She should also understand that our relationship is 50/50 and she needs to be able to give me her opinion, as a man I can tell you WE don’t know everything and because making a decision it’s always nice to get two view points.
62 New York, New York, United States
Seeking: Female 37 - 52
Eye color: Hazel
First, if you are serious, please write me. Not too tall, dark and handsome, and as down to earth as anyone. That means if you are taller than 5'6" than please do not respond back if you feel uncomfortable dating someone smaller, as I have no issue dating someone taller. I'm worth the height diffrence!! I am very serious about meeting someone who is looking for marriage and is at LEAST 37 years old. This means if we meet a few times in your country, and we fall in love with each other, would you be prepared to come to the USA, New York!! It is important that you can e-mail without an interpreter. I am not what we call a PLAYER, "One who is looking for a lady just to have "SEX" with," as I can find that here and not interested in that. I am looking to find someone who can laugh, have fun, likes sports, animals, loves kids and is active. I am though not ready to have anymore new children, if you have some that would be great!! I have a picture of my youngest son on here. Please very important, take immediate notice, I was told by my children and everyone of my friends that I should put my age at least 5-6 years younger than I actually am because of people who are searching put age parameters. The reason being - I don't even look close to my age, as well as being very fit and active with tons of energy. I was actually born on June 4th1956. That being said, I am a 1000% real and genuine. If you have kids you will be very happy because I can be a GREAT father as I have been with my own. Also we can share our time together as a family. I usual dress casual, and am happy with who I am. I enjoy life to it's fullest. I love kids, as I have three of my own as I said above. I am in extremely good shape as I work out often. 5'5" and a solid 145. I have a lot of energy, I love to laugh, and see people smile. I don't even look my age. (We age very gracefully in my family.) I am looking for someone who knows how to laugh, smile, be serious at times, likes sports, in some form,. A very important factor is someone who can be caring, not only to me, but others. A person who likes hugging, kissing, and cuddling at night is a big plus! Ideal Relationship One where there is trust, compromise, communication, and most of all a common bond of love between each other. I always thought the ideal relationship is where it feels you are getting intimate with your best friend. Your lover should always be your "Best Friend" above all. If I write you back please be ready to be able to attempt to communicate without the aid of an agency. I am very serious and sincere to meet someone genuine here. I might be a little older than you seek, but I can tell you that I have more energy and enthusiasm than any 20 year old. Looking forward to hearing from you ..PLEASE NO ONE UNDER 37 RESPOND!! Thank you, Larry
50 Bay, Michigan, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 35
Eye color: Hazel