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36 - 70 of 100
40 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Seeking: Female 22 - 40
Body style: Athletic
Hi I'm Andy :) Probably the most passionate, caring person you'll meet! 💯☀️😇❤️‍🔥 I love to help others and always protect those most vulnerable or can’t defend themselves. I am the PROUD dad of 4 highly intelligent, loving and caring daughters 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️ (they're my absolute world)! My ex-wife and I are close friends and co-parent the girls like champions! I would love to have more kids someday! ☺️ My personality type is: INFJ - the Advocate. My IQ is 142, so if you like smart guys, I may be one of them ;) My values are traditional, I believe the man needs to provide and protect his wife, and children ALWAYS. That marriage should be forever. I will handle your problems as well as my own. I want to be your support and guide! What are yours? I also own a successful inspection company that serves the Oil and Gas, Nuclear, Navy and wind industries. Our goal is to be the biggest in the industry that is focused on improving the lives of our stakeholders (employees). I believe that we can all change the world we live in, it just takes that one person with unwavering focus and vision! 💯🙌 I like to read, study new topics to push my knowledge further! I'm a curious, comforting, kind and big heart papa bear 🐻❤️🤗 Touch is my number 1 love language, so l'm always cuddling! What's yours? I am passionate about all spiritual things (Reiki, Astral projection, discovering who we are, where we come from, frequency, energy) are some of my passions outside of work. ✨ ************************************************* Привіт, я Енді :) Мабуть, найпристрасніша турботлива людина, яку ви зустрінете! 💯☀️😇❤️‍🔥 Я люблю допомагати іншим і завжди захищаю тих, хто найбільш вразливий або не може захистити себе. Я ГОРДИЙ тато 4 надзвичайно розумних, люблячих і турботливих доньок 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️ (вони мій абсолютний світ)! Ми з колишньою дружиною близькі друзі та виховуємо дівчат як чемпіонів! Я хотів би колись мати більше дітей! ☺️ Мій тип особистості: INFJ - Адвокат. Мої цінності традиційні, вважаю, що чоловікові потрібно забезпечувати і захищати свою дружину, дітей ЗАВЖДИ. Цей шлюб має бути вічним. Я вирішу ваші проблеми так само, як і свої власні. Я хочу бути вашою підтримкою та порадником! Які ваші? Я також володію успішною інспекційною компанією, яка обслуговує нафтогазову, атомну, військово-морську та вітрову промисловість. Наша мета — бути найбільшою в галузі, яка зосереджена на покращенні життя наших зацікавлених сторін (співробітників). Я вірю, що всі ми можемо змінити світ, у якому живемо, потрібна лише одна людина з непохитним фокусом і баченням! 💯🙌 Я люблю читати, вивчати нові теми, щоб розвивати свої знання далі! Я допитливий, затишний, добрий і з великим серцем тато-ведмідь 🐻❤️🤗 Дотик — моя мова номер 1 любові, тому я завжди обіймаюся! що у вас? Я захоплений усіма духовними речами (рейкі, астральна проекція, відкриття того, хто ми є, звідки ми походимо, частота, енергія) – це деякі з моїх пристрастей поза роботою. ✨
58 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 24 - 53
Body style: Athletic
If you're seeking to escape the complexities of human relationships and distance yourself from places that have hurt you, living a seemingly hopeless and accepting life, perhaps consider a place where there's less deceit and pretense Enjoying a simple life together. I could be an option. If your current life revolves around luxury, flying branded accessories, and indulging in a bourgeois lifestyle with fantasies of glory and flattery from others, then please pass by. "Love at first sight" is essentially a physical attraction, the cornerstone of marital emotions and the source of all beautiful feelings. In such a marriage, even if you argue, a gentle hug can make all resentment vanish. Others might label me as someone who prioritizes physical attraction, but in essence, a person's greatest happiness stems from being with someone they genuinely like. Everything else, like basic needs and lifestyle, takes a back seat. You may not entirely agree with my perspective, but you can surely appreciate the joy of being with someone you love. The sexual life between spouses is the adherent of the relationship between two people. Due to years of fitness training and strict dietary control, I am particularly proficient in this area. If you are not interested in marital life, Please bypass. Since this is a matrimonial search, your photos should be genuine, not obscured by beauty filters to the point that even parents can't recognize you. Using beauty filters not only deceives others but also traps yourself in An illusion of beauty. Then, it's a futile effort, a waste of time. Putting some photos from over a decade ago on your matrimonial advertising really makes no sense, after all, marriage is about living face-to-face. My photos reflect my current appearance, and if I don't mention my age, everyone who sees me would assume I'm around 45 years old. This is due to my long-term fitness regime and healthy eating habits. Divorce is not uncommon among childhood sweeping theories, and finding eternal love at first sight is also common. The process is irrelevant; the result is what matters. Especially in this world of deception, have you found your happiness? May heaven bless you with my disserning eyes! Know your own limits, and then we can give it a try (At this age, it's not easy to be deceived, and there's nothing worth deceiving you for. Please spare those scams.) If you want to escape from the human world and move away from the place where you have been hurt, to a place where you don't have to be in the right direction, and you don't have to be tricked. A simple two-man world. Maybe I can be an option. If you want to be proud of your ancestors and enjoy the flirty of others, then it is a physical attraction to go around and get a look. It is not only the cornerstone of the marriage, but also the source of all the good feelings, even if you argue in such a marriage, But when he hugs you gently, all the grievances go away. Or it may be said that I am a person of great color, but by human nature, one's greatest happiness is to be with one another who likes each other. Others: clothing, food, and housing are all in the lower ranks. You don't necessarily agree with me, but you do think it's a pleasure to be with someone you love. Since it is a marriage, the marriage photo should be true, not a beautiful image that parents cannot recognize. Not only do you fool others with beautiful pictures, you also live in illusions, thinking that you are really as beautiful as your beautiful pictures. Then "see the light and die", what is the meaning of that? Waste each other's time. There are many divorces in the Ching Mei area, and it is common for them to see that they love their marriage for their whole lives. The process is not important, and the result is the king's way. Especially in this world of fish and halibut, do you find your happiness? Let God give you my eyes! Know your bottom line, then we can try it. (This age group is not easy to cheat, and there is nothing to cheat you, please leave the pig meat plates out).
